What is sometimes overlooked is the power sport plays in the wider community, and at Carey we have been privileged to have an involvement in the JMB (James Macready-Bryan Foundation), AWL (Amber’s White Light) and Reconciliation Rounds during the winter APS Sports season.
On each occasion, our students learn about the background behind each cause – the JMB and AWL Rounds are particularly pertinent to our students as both foundations were created as a direct result of tragic events to our alumni. The wearing of shoelaces and ribbons at these events along with the magnificent parental support, both financially and in service, have created a stronger bond within our Carey community.
Aside from the terrific funds raised for each charity, importantly, these rounds have created a strong and persistent message where students have a heightened sense of the need to look after each other and be kind, compassionate and good citizens in the modern world.
I’m proud of the wonderful efforts of everyone involved in each of our causes. The fact that we can promote, learn, serve and celebrate through school sport justifies our involvement.
Paul Jepson
Head of Sport and Activities