In less than a month, a courageous group of Year 9 students from each House achieved the seemingly impossible. They taught a diverse group of around 80 students to sing, dance, clap, flip and perform in unison. What appeared impossible on paper became a reality. Winning Winter Sports Day is impressive but teaching Year 8 students choreography is a whole different achievement. Despite the daunting task, many experienced observers regarded this year's House Music performances as the highest standard we've seen in years.
Each performance started with a skit, typically performed by Year 9 students. These skits were relatable, topical and very funny, highlighting the humour and talent of each House's Year 9 cohort. The main performances were choreographed with precision, featuring not just singing and dancing but also live music from a band composed of fellow House members, who also had only four weeks to practice. It was particularly pleasing to see the students support and cheer for other Houses, with no booing – except during a playful dance-off to Taylor Swift songs initiated by the teachers.
House Music is many things, but most importantly, it’s an opportunity for students to bond in a fun setting. It’s arguably the best relationship builder in the Middle School. Without mobile phones in the audience, students could perform with enthusiasm and freedom, unafraid of being caught on camera. This was exemplified by the spontaneous dance-off that erupted while waiting for the judges' decision. One student started dancing on stage, and soon others joined in, encouraged by the energetic support and cheers from their peers.
Overall, each House delivered outstanding performances. The students were cheerful and respectful, striking a balance between having fun and maintaining decorum. When the Performing Arts Captains introduced the next act, the cohort would sit down and listen attentively. Despite the outcomes, every student enjoyed House Music immensely, and every staff member felt proud to be part of a school that could host such a joyful event. Sutton won the day, thanks to their choreography, melodic singing, and an impressive band that played with unity and precision.
Harry Dendle
Deputy Head of Middle School – Student Wellbeing