17 August 2023

An inquiry into creativity

Heads of SchoolKewJunior School
An inquiry into creativity
An inquiry into creativity
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This term, our Year 3 students are inquiring into the concept of creativity. In contrast to exploring a topic, concept-based learning encourages students to engage in multi-disciplinary thinking. It allows students to see the relationship between the specific focus of an investigation and the bigger picture. This allows much greater possibilities for transfer of learning and deep understandings.

The rationale of this term’s inquiry is for students to learn about the different ways we express our creativity and how we can use this thinking in our everyday lives. The students are practising creative thinking as they develop a simple story along with characters, setting and props for their story. They will create a storyboard and use this to make a stop motion animation.

To tune students into the process of stop motion, the inquiry began with an excursion to ACMI where students learnt about the principles of stop motion and explored the science behind animation. Students also created their own visually engaging stop-motion animation.

‘Going to ACMI helped me know how stop motions are made and what they need to be a good stop motion.’
– Sophie (3BR)
‘We had a workshop where we had Lego bricks where we moved them to a position and took a photo and moved them again, took another photo until it became a story. They showed us all different types of stop motions that we could have put into ours. We used an app called Dragon Frame.’
– Ansh (3BR)

As the unit of inquiry progresses, our hope is that students build an appreciation of the skills required to develop a creative story and also how artists use technologies to enhance creative ideas.

Emma Chiera
Acting Deputy Head of Junior School Kew – Student Wellbeing


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