Complex Competencies

Complex Competencies provide a more nuanced understanding of our students to aid them in their choices after their school journey.

Complex Competencies
Complex Competencies

Since 2021, we have been working with the University of Melbourne's assessment centre, Melbourne Metrics, as an early adopter in the New Metrics project to develop new and robust assessments of Complex Competencies.

The new Complex Competency assessments will contribute to an official learner profile that students, educators and tertiary institutions can access to understand, holistically, each individual's strengths, abilities, motivations and potential contributions to the community both during and after their time at school.

Our dedicated Research and Innovation team have driven this project at Carey, consulting with and bringing all Carey educators on the journey to ensure the new metrics are teachable, learnable, assessable and observable across disciplines for the benefit of our students.

Jonathan Walter, Principal of Carey Baptist Grammar School, was invited to speak with Professor Sandra Milligan, Executive Director of Melbourne Metrics and expert in assessment research, on the Talking Teaching podcast. They discussed the purpose, numerous benefits and next steps this groundbreaking approach will have on the future of assessment and students’ experiences beyond just the academics.

Learn about the Complex Competencies
Click here to watch
Every face has a place – a strong start to 2025
Every face has a place – a strong start to 2025
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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this land and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We respect their Elders past and present and recognise the injustices endured by the First Nations peoples of this country.