Our School Captains 2024

Meet Carey’s School Captains: their goals for the year, what they love to do and what they want for their futures.

Our School Captains 2024
Our School Captains 2024


The opportunity to be a School Captain is a true privilege as Carey turns 101 this year. Throughout the year Luke and I commit to supporting the energetic culture of the School, while also advocating to make change where necessary. Carey has extensively provided us with incredible experiences and lifelong lessons, and in return, I want to give back to the School through my role, ensuring everyone attending Carey feels involved, included and enthusiastic about school.

My time at Carey makes up a massive sector of my life having been here in Year 7, and it has been a time full of joy and growth. I have been lucky enough to engage in a range of sports, camps and academic experiences that have shaped the person I am today. I have always been passionate and enjoyed the sports Carey has to offer as part of the APS, my highlights being playing touch rugby, soccer and coxing in the rowing program. My time in the IB (International Baccalaureate) program has also been a focal point of my time at Carey, allowing me to progress my learning and connect with others.

Reflecting on my time at Carey so far, I have met a plethora of extraordinary people: staff, students and alumni. I am proud to be part of a community that has such positivity and camaraderie, creating an atmosphere that fosters learning and friendship. In the forthcoming years I hope to continue my education, potentially going on exchange or studying interstate. Carey has equipped me with a broad range of skills for the future, supporting my pursuit of my goals and ambitions.



It is a privilege and an honour to lead the School at the beginning of Carey’s second century.

Being the youngest of three, all having started our Carey journeys in the ELC, I have a deep-rooted pride for this amazing school. Alongside Zara I am grateful to lead us into this next 100 years of Carey, fostering a culture that has and will continue to seek the best from all students across the vast array of opportunities we have here.

Throughout my time attending Carey, there has always been a special intangible quality that is felt amongst each cohort. Upon reaching the end of my chapter here, I have realised that this special quality is the influence we hold, and the good we can do through inspiring those around us. Over my journey as a Carey student, there have been many teachers, students and coaches who have inspired me, and it is my goal to share with the rest of our school the greatest opportunity we have, to be able to inspire others.

It is a truly exciting time to be a student at this school, and I am so thankful for how Carey has ensured that I become a rounded student acknowledging the importance of all areas of schooling: academics, arts and sports. Next year, I hope to embark on a new journey internationally with my rowing and schooling, and I am certain Carey has equipped me with all that I need to see success in this next chapter.

As School Captain alongside Zara, I invite this cohort to let our knowledge, joy, love and camaraderie trickle down throughout the entirety of this brilliant school, and inspire one another to wear our black, gold and blue with pride.

Every face has a place – a strong start to 2025
Every face has a place – a strong start to 2025
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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this land and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We respect their Elders past and present and recognise the injustices endured by the First Nations peoples of this country.