19 May 2021

Chaplain’s Corner – Middle School

Chaplain’s Corner – Middle School
Chaplain’s Corner – Middle School
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This week, staff and students in Middle School were encouraged to reflect on the concept of legacy. Including the beliefs you embrace, the values you live by, the love you express and the service you render to others, your legacy is what you leave behind you. In the words of Jesus in Luke 12, those in attendance were asked to consider, ‘What kind of legacy will you leave?’

Reconciliation and learning from the past
National Reconciliation Week takes place every year between May 27 and June 3. It represents our ongoing work to build respect and understanding between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians and non-Indigenous Australians, and commemorates two significant milestones in our country’s reconciliation journey: the successful 1967 referendum (27 May) and the 1992 High Court Mabo decision (3 June). In preparation, we learnt about the shameful actions that led to the Coniston massacres in Central Australia in 1928, where a Constable in the Northern Territory Police Force, William George Murray (1884­–1975), led an expedition to kill people of the Warlpiri, Anmatyerre and Kaytetye First Nations people groups.

We discussed this story to encourage us all to learn from the past, and to always treat people the way we would like to be treated. In the words of William George Murray’s great-niece and great-nephew, Liza and Chas Dale-Hallett, healing can only begin by engaging with ‘real ugliness’. We discussed their responses to their great-uncle’s actions as well as the efforts made by members of the Baptist Church in Yuendumu to provide some form of refuge for First Nations people. These are reminders of the sort of legacy Jesus spoke about and these stories encourage us to listen to others, speak in ways that have a positive impact and engage in actions that others would be proud to emulate.

Bomber Command Commemorative Association
Looking ahead, members of the Carey community are most welcome to join the Bomber Command Commemorative Association’s wreath laying ceremony at the Shrine of Remembrance in the Western Gallery, Birdwood Avenue at midday on Sunday 6 June 2021. We are also looking for volunteers to assist us with the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal which will take the form of a letter drop in streets around Carey in the last week of May. If you can help out after school please email me or drop by my office.

Finally let us continue to remember those impacted by COVID-19.

Let us pray.

Loving God, help us to focus on what we have, not on what is removed or changed due to Coronavirus restrictions. Strengthen us when we feel discouraged or overwhelmed. Embrace us so that us we know your loving presence within us and among us and help us to make decisions that benefit others. Amen.

Scott Bramley
Middle School Chaplain


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© Carey Baptist Grammar School Limited
ABN 83 051 576 062CRICOS #00135G
We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this land and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We respect their Elders past and present and recognise the injustices endured by the First Nations peoples of this country.