New books added to our eBook collection – borrow one today!Popular books like Scot Gardner’s Off the Map (short stories), CBCA shortlisted books such as Peta Lyre’s Rating Normal, Award-Winning books like Future Girl by Asphyxia and brand-new titles like Half My Luck, have been added to our eBook collection this week.
If you haven’t discovered eBooks, yet I encourage you to explore the library’s collection.
Both Audiobooks and eBooks are available on the Overdrive platform, and more Audiobooks are on Bolinda and eBooks on Wheelers.
Satisfy your curiosity with the wide range of eResources for research and non-fiction reading Use this link to access Carey’s subscription to World Book, Encyclopedia Britannica and databases with information in the following areas: Science, History, Health and Medicine, Literature, World Religions, Global Issues and Biographies. There is a treasure trove of videos on ClickView and News and Issues subscriptions for the Carey community to explore. Passwords for the eResources are available when you login to the Library Homepage.
Have fun exploring the many resources available at the CLI Library.
Please contact library staff if you have any difficulties accessing these resources.
Marg Moran
Acting Head of CLI Library