22 April 2020

Chaplain's Corner – Junior School

Chaplain's Corner – Junior School
Chaplain's Corner – Junior School
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One of the activities the students like to do the most in CARE classes is complete ‘warm fuzzies’. Everyone writes their name on a piece of paper, then passes it around the class so everyone can write an encouraging message on them. And the rule is that they must be positive! The students love to read the affirming words their friends and peers write about them – not based on their looks, their sporting ability, their achievements, but on who they are as people.

We all enjoy hearing an encouraging word, don’t we? Positive words are powerful. Ask any successful person what made them start believing they could achieve the goals in their life. More often than not, they will quote a comment made by a friend, a family member, maybe even a stranger. Sometimes a few positive words can provide the confidence to succeed. That’s the power of an encouraging word.

One thing I have noticed during these strange new times we find ourselves in as how often we think positive thoughts about others but fail to vocalise them. Unspoken thanks or encouragement doesn’t do anyone any good. How often in the last few weeks have you felt encouraged or grateful and have not stopped to say the words out loud or perhaps send off a quick text? Why not spread some encouragement and gratitude – for a service well delivered, for a practical demonstration of care, for a determined effort, for going beyond the call of duty. As our children well know, encouragement and gratitude can fill our buckets and have a lifetime impact. May all our words have a positive charge.

Hebrews 10:25 – ‘Let us encourage one another.’

CARE on Canvas
Please be aware that the CARE page on Canvas is not just for CARE lessons. The acronym CARE stands for Community and Religious Education. This page also contains information about being a part of a community. One particular feature is the button ‘Reflections on Faith, Hope and Love’. This page contains reflections I have penned, or others I have found that I believe may be useful for families looking for ways to connect spiritually and consider meaningful community living. Later this week, there will be some suggestions of ways families can commemorate Anzac Day. In time we are hoping that this page will also become the hub for House communication to further develop our sense of community.

Janine de Paiva
Junior School Chaplain


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Every face has a place – a strong start to 2025
Every face has a place – a strong start to 2025
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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this land and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We respect their Elders past and present and recognise the injustices endured by the First Nations peoples of this country.